Drew Henderson is a good man. He believes in novel things like transparency and justice. So when he saw that St. Paul police employee Jeff Rothecker wasn’t exhibiting those qualities, he took action. A month later, thanks to the court of public opinion, the Rothecker resigned.
- Drew’s GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/239veg
- Drew’s Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheDrewks
- Drew’s thorough video about Rothecker: https://youtu.be/aX2x19Mnz68
- Coverage of Drew at CopBlock.org: http://www.copblock.org/?s=andrew+henderson
- Inside the risky, underground society of copwatching vigilantes: http://fusion.net/story/261294/inside-the-risky-world-of-copwatching
- St. Paul cop on leave after protest post: http://legacy.kare11.com/story/news/2016/01/18/st-paul-cop-leave-after-protest-post/78981790/
- Jeff Rothecker — The unflattering history of the cop who’d run over black people: http://www.citypages.com/news/jeff-rothecker-the-unflattering-history-of-the-cop-whod-run-over-black-people-7986983
- St. Paul police officer who posted ‘Run them over’ resigns: http://www.twincities.com/2016/02/17/st-paul-police-run-them-over-black-lives-matter-resigns/
Drew helped co-found Minnesota Cop Block and has participated in planning and training with Communities United Against Police Brutality. He won the #WhyIFilmThePolice video contest held by Cop Block in 2014, participated in Copwatch training in New York City, and, with the help of the Minnesota ACLU, successfully defended himself in legaland against threats he had faced for filming an angry, lying police employee named Jackie Muellner. who afterward retired and took a job as a bailiff.
Related Resources
- Find like-minded people nearby: http://CopBlock.org/Groups
- Invest in yourself: http://CopBlock.org/Library
- Get equipped: http://CopBlock.org/Apps
- Grow the network: http://CopBlock.org/Network
Score One For the Good Guys: Minnesota Copblocker Causes Violent Cop to Resign is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights